Friday, February 8, 2008

TOEFL, gray hairs, and why they are related

I currently write to you from the city hall of Assis Chateaubriand, where I am apparently allowed to use Joaquim´s computer and the internet. you may have remembered, the TOEFL results were updated online today. Joaquim woke up from a dream at like 5:30am...he was dreaming that someone from the US handed him a stack of papers. And on top of them all was a stamp. He couldn´t read it, but he knew the idea of what it said. It said he was denied, and that this wasn´t the way for him to go. Right at that moment, he woke up with a start and went straight to the computer. There he saw his score, after some struggling with passwords...he needed a 75-79, if you recall...and he got a 62. Guhhhhh. He came to my window at 5:45am to tell me. It´s still settling in, because I don´t even know how it´s POSSIBLE. Like, he got a 66 the first time he took it in July of 2006. And his English has greatly improved since then. Greatly. So...I don´t get it. But it´s the way it is.

As of now, I don´t know what the plan is to approach the rest of the situation. Isaac said his dad wants to pay for Joaquim to take it again. But he doesn´t want to take itbecause he´s sick of not passing, and nothing much is going to change in such a short time. I kind of agree. I really don´t know what is going to happen. Maybe a visit to Christine in April if he doesn´t get in. He´s still sending everything to Moody, regardless of the fact that he didn´t get the score he needed...but...well, you know. Lots and lots of prayers and any suggestions in a moment of brilliance would be appreciated.


Yesterday was kind of a fast day. Joaquim couldn´t come home for lunch, and he got back at like 6:30 or 7pm because they had to pay basically everyone at the city hall yesterday before 5. Sheesh. So, for me the day was slow...spent with Alex and Jorge following me around, but it was ok. When he got back we had some late coffee and talked with Mãe, Pai, Luis (the oldest brother) and his wife. It was interesting, because I `met´ Luis, when I spoke no Portuguese, at Acácia´s wedding in December of 2006. He stayed at Ryan Anderson´s house where we hung out afterwards. And he, trying to remember who I was, said that he remembered me and another girl talking about who liked Joaquim more. This was truly ridiculous, because no one knew I liked him. So I said `ahhhh no, I didn´t tell anyone that I liked him...` and then Mãe piped in and said `oh yea, you were nice and quiet, but I noticed, did you know that?´ Apparently when I went to Grace´s house with some other girls from my Brazil team in May of 2006, she noticed there and told Grace that ´that one there who is going to be a journalist´ liked Joaquim. It was kind of funny to hear about that.

On a completely unrelated, and perhaps distressing the time that I have been in Brazil, I gained 2 gray hairs. It´s a shame that I´m a real fan of my hair color, because in just a few short years it will be fake. Thanks mom.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lazy-stine! The first paragraphs seem awfullllly familiar! hmmm. Dude, pull out the gray hairs! That's what I did. I've only had two in my life as well... and I no longer have them. Ummm... HILARIOUS about Mae remembering you as the journalist who liked him?!!? WEIRD. You're in my prayers, friend. As Cher sings in one of her grand smashing hits, "It's guuuunna be alriiiiiight! Alllriiiiiiiight!"