Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Carefree Kids

Children are strong. Their hearts heal more quickly - even their bodies.

I have realized this as I so often look a pictures of children in refugee camps, or squalid houses with no indoor plumbing. Kids with distended bellies, or rotting teeth. Young boys with bald patches on their heads because of disease. Yet rarely do I see any expression on their faces other than joy. Especially if they are in a group, they are laughing, playing, running until their weak bodies won't allow them any more. They are singing, though they may not even be able to stand up to do so. They are content.

Then I wonder what the parents, or caregivers, in those situations must feel. I have seen the face of a young mother at a refugee camp in the DRC, with 4 or 5 young kids clinging to her skirt. They seem at home. She seems tortured. Wondering constantly if her starving daughter will wake up in the morning, or remembering the life they used to have and wishing this had never happened.

But what if we were more like those kids? It's no wonder Jesus loves children so much. They understand him better, and accept his promises more readily. They forgive so quickly, fighting one minute and playing together again the next. They don't worry if someone tells them not to. They trust unconditionally.

Maybe we shouldn't be so concerned with growing up...

Monday, January 19, 2009


Last week, I found this great stuff. Perfect for the convenience-minded, cooking-challenged....and lazy. It's Broccoli in a bag! It comes in an air-puffed bag, and you just stick it in the microwave for 3 minutes and have perfectly cooked brocolli. Just add some olive oil, garlic salt, and parmesean cheese and it is delicious.

All that to say that I'm going to start DVR-ing (that is a verb now...) some cooking shows. I think Emeril was on this morning. BAM!

Tonight is another fabulous episode of The Bachelor. You can be sure that I will be on my couch at 7pm this evening, ready to tell Jason what to do.

This weekend was a nice time of reflection and of prayer. The Lord always answers when we seek Him out. But if we're not seeking Him, what do we expect? I always forget that. I need continued guidance these days...the next few months will be key, and I know He will open and close doors as is necessary. I trust His ideas, because they usually work out well for me. Until then, maybe He's teaching me patience, submission, responsibility?

This week will be great! Lots to get done.

Friday, January 16, 2009


That is the temperature right now. Not including wind chill.

At least the sun is shining.

I am learning the art of making myself busy. And it's not an arbitrary busyness, but it's actually things that I need to be doing, relationships I need to be investing in, and working on goals that I do need to set. Although I miss tracking 12 different tv shows (I still do find time to squeeze some in...) and Joaquim and I are working on our time schedule. This 4 hour time difference has made it harder for us to talk in the evenings, because by the time I would be getting home from work and any evening activity, he's in bed. Therefore, I was cutting some evening activities, only because I wanted to talk to him...but that involved more sitting around and free time than was very healthy, so it's back to running around and catching each other online during breaks. I am praying through this time because thankfully the time difference will be only 2 hours again in early March. It can't come soon enough!

Some things that I think I need to work on are music and writing. These are two things the Lord has clearly gifted me with, and He doesn't give things out for no reason. What am I doing to improve those gifts, and what am I doing to USE them? I'm learning that I need to be using them all the time, not saying that I'm sure an opportunity will arise someday.

Last night I went over to the Schuette's house for a Mary Kay extravaganza with Annie and her mom. It reminded me to be so so so grateful for relationships like that. I played in that house when I was just a toddler...I remember sitting behind the couch in their living room playing My Little Pony, and having Mrs. Schuette put curlers in our hair before a sleepover when we were only 4. From writing a tv show called Too Young For Love when we were in 5th grade, to being stung by a bee while playing Super Mario Brothers in their basement, I have so many memories there and it was so fun to spend an evening there again with their family. Annie will be Mrs. Johnson in July! I am so excited to have a part in that day too. We had a great time playing with makeup and products, and I am sure we did the same thing when we were little girls, but maybe the results weren't quite as flattering.

I really needed that trip to Brazil last month. Things are going better now...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Been a while...

It has been so long since I "blogged." Sometimes something comes to mind and I think "back in my blogging days, I would have made something work with that..." Maybe the little things in life start to overwhelm you after a while and it takes away the desire to capitalize on such opportunities.

What "little things" have I been filling my days with lately? Well, glad you asked...

Firstly, I got engaged in September! I can't believe it's already been 4 months (today!) and that I am getting married in 8 months! September 6, 2009. Planning a wedding is slowly but surely taking over my thoughts...and my day planner. Yes, I am talking about invitations, florists, caterers. I think it took a while for me and my family to wrap our minds around the idea of a WEDDING, as mine will be the first for us, but I think we've finally arrived. My mom suggested today that we start looking into hotels to get group rates. Good idea, ma. Glad we're on the same page!

Secondly, I started selling Mary Kay last month. So far I have really been enjoying the fun and the responsibility!

Last but not least, I went to Brazil with my entire family on Christmas day! We spent two weeks there and I think everyone really enjoyed it. Of course I wasn't ready to leave, but...I never am!

I'm going to do my best to write more..........after all, my life is so incredibly interesting, it would be a crime not to share it.