Friday, January 16, 2009


That is the temperature right now. Not including wind chill.

At least the sun is shining.

I am learning the art of making myself busy. And it's not an arbitrary busyness, but it's actually things that I need to be doing, relationships I need to be investing in, and working on goals that I do need to set. Although I miss tracking 12 different tv shows (I still do find time to squeeze some in...) and Joaquim and I are working on our time schedule. This 4 hour time difference has made it harder for us to talk in the evenings, because by the time I would be getting home from work and any evening activity, he's in bed. Therefore, I was cutting some evening activities, only because I wanted to talk to him...but that involved more sitting around and free time than was very healthy, so it's back to running around and catching each other online during breaks. I am praying through this time because thankfully the time difference will be only 2 hours again in early March. It can't come soon enough!

Some things that I think I need to work on are music and writing. These are two things the Lord has clearly gifted me with, and He doesn't give things out for no reason. What am I doing to improve those gifts, and what am I doing to USE them? I'm learning that I need to be using them all the time, not saying that I'm sure an opportunity will arise someday.

Last night I went over to the Schuette's house for a Mary Kay extravaganza with Annie and her mom. It reminded me to be so so so grateful for relationships like that. I played in that house when I was just a toddler...I remember sitting behind the couch in their living room playing My Little Pony, and having Mrs. Schuette put curlers in our hair before a sleepover when we were only 4. From writing a tv show called Too Young For Love when we were in 5th grade, to being stung by a bee while playing Super Mario Brothers in their basement, I have so many memories there and it was so fun to spend an evening there again with their family. Annie will be Mrs. Johnson in July! I am so excited to have a part in that day too. We had a great time playing with makeup and products, and I am sure we did the same thing when we were little girls, but maybe the results weren't quite as flattering.

I really needed that trip to Brazil last month. Things are going better now...

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