Saturday, September 1, 2007

Slowing down...

It appears my body is not very happy with the way I've been treating it during these last 2 1/2 weeks. That is, it would prefer to be a little more comfortable and a little less awake. I'm still fighting whatever strange malady was giving me a fever last weekend, and currently am enjoying a sore throat and a headache, as well as fatigue that can't be explained by the fact that I got 9 hours of sleep last night.

In spite of this, life doesn't stop, so this afternoon, I went to a meeting for the adolescents for a couple hours. They're having a camp next weekend from Friday through Sunday, which I will be going to. I believe Gwen and I will leave Thursday night and stay until Sunday afternoon. I'm really hoping to be feeling better by then, because 48 hours with 12-15 years That will be a stretching experience, let's just say. This evening there was a service for the youth, which is basically anyone and everyone between ages 12 and whatever. So that was fun, they had a church service and then some games afterwards. It was a crazy night, but a lot of laughs. I was wishing I had my camera during a few moments.

I'm still wishing I could participate more in things and get to know people better. It's increasingly frustrating to sit on the sidelines every minute of every day. However, I will hopefully begin taking classes at WEBB, the language school, this Wednesday. They've worked out a schedule for me to take 15 hours a week, however, there are some glitches that need to be figured out. I'm really anxious to dive into that because being able to communicate will change everything. Obviously.

To be honest, tonight I'm very tired. My body just feels like it's running on fumes and has no time to catch up, and I'm afraid soon that will get the best of me. Thankfully we don't have church until tomorrow night, and although one of the pastors has invited Gwen and me to lunch tomorrow afternoon, I hope to get as much sleep as I possibly can tonight and then nap again tomorrow. That's all I'm thinking about at the moment: sleep.

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