Monday, August 13, 2007

60 Centavos

Since the beginning of April, 2006, I have kept a small jar on my desk, with a yellow and green wristband around the outside of it that says "Brazil," to remind me of both the place I got the wristband and who gave it to me. When I came back from Brazil the first time, I still had a little change in reals. It was only 60 cents, which could really serve no purpose, but I wanted to keep it just in case. I wanted to hold on to the idea that I would use those 60 cents someday, maybe to buy some gum or candy or something. So I put those two coins into that jar, where it has sat, unused, for 16 1/2 months.

Today I took those 60 cents and put them in my wallet. Perhaps it was more of a ceremonious occasion than really a practical idea, but what a feeling...I kept those meaningless coins because they won't be meaningless in about 36 hours. It's not much, but I sure plan on using it.

So I leave tomorrow at 9:30pm! I feel totally ready, at least as much as I can be, and so at peace knowing the Lord is going before me and behind me.

Brasil, here I come!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

hey, you will be VERY missed. I can't wait to read what you are up to (ya and this is my blogspot fairly recent, not as exciting as yours will be)