Friday, August 24, 2007

Today began with a bit of a funny feeling in my throat. Maybe I'm about to get a cold, and at the moment I just feel like sleeping for a few hours...but as I wrote in my journal and listened to "Ain't no Mountain High Enough" for a bit in the foyer of the guest house, I started to feel better. Then I heard my name being chanted, "ChrisCHEENee, ChrisCHEENee!"and looked up to see about 5 children running up the steps to the guest house and bursting through the doors. Joao Paulo and Veridiana pulled me out the door, and Ingrid looked at my shyly and handed me a piece of paper. As I "unwrapped" it, I saw it was a beautiful picture of a fairy that she had colored for me, and she signed her name. SO sweet!

...After I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, I was informed that she was sick with a fever, thus making my concerns about my own health that much more founded. Whoops. So please pray whatever my body is fighting just passes over quickly and I can be feeling 100% soon! I would hate to be sick for my last 4 days here with Joaquim and I would hate to be sick for my first few days in basically, I really can't be sick.

This afternoon I hope to grab a quick nap and relax so I can hopefully get over this funny little bug. Speaking of bugs, when I woke up this morning there was an ant right next to my face and a bee buzzing around my head. Ai ai ai. I've also had many encounters with lizards in my bathroom, and I'm sure they won't be the last. As long as they keep their things away from my things, I guess we can live in peace...

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