Thursday, August 9, 2007

Have you ever been on a roller coaster, and just as the cars are beginning to climb up a giant hill, you wonder what you were thinking? I hate hearing that clicking sound because I always wonder if suddenly, something will break and we will all begin hurtling backwards. Or what if the huge configuration of straps and shoulder pads holding me in suddenly gives out just as I'm at the top of a loop, hanging upside-down? I think it's safe to say that my life right now is nearing the top of a very large drop.

I'm leaving in FIVE DAYS! It's getting easier and easier to believe, as I'm saying more goodbyes every day, and checking things off my to-do list, one by one. It's amazing how easy it is to get things done when your job so graciously gives you a paid "vacation" for your last two days of work. What a blessing that is!

My job description in Brazil is becoming clearer as well, as I've been emailing with Gwen in the past few days. It looks like I will be helping teach English, which will be a new experience, and hopefully will be involved in music as well. I can't wait to see whatever God has planned.

Also, since mailing my recent update letter, I have been so blessed to hear from supporters and to receive encouragement from so many people. I feel so well prepared for this endeavor, and I am certain it is because I am being lifted up in prayer by so many. I could never doubt that this is entirely in God's hands!

The next five days are going to fly by, as those before them already have, and I can't wait to fill my fresh, new luggage with all of my things and to get on a plane! I'm definitely nervous and sometimes I do sit back and wonder what I'm doing, but isn't that dive on the roller coaster a great feeling?? Once I get to the top of that hill on Raging Bull and I can't even see the bottom because the drop is so steep, I have a sudden flash of terror that is nearly instantaneously replaced by the feeling of my stomach being left 10 feet behind me. Then I realize that I am laughing, and by the end I am so ready to do it again!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Hi Christine,
I have never been to your blog before because I am blog challenged, but I have been thinking about you all day, and it was uncanny that I clicked into your blog today and read your last entry!

Kind of funny, but yesterday for Nick's birthday we went to Six Flags and I had the exact same feeling clicking up the "Superman" tracks (yes, me, Superman...thank you very much). I have ridden it before but I seemed to remember my interior voice telling me to "never, never under any circumstances, do that again". Yet, I love roller coasters - and I hate to be left out, so up I went and down I screamed...loving every moment.

You have such wisdom at your young age to know that it is through these adventerous challenges that we dive into, that we find our greatest joy. But you know that already! Good for you. I know that you will be safely in the palm of God's hand (and I will remind your equally wise mother of this should she ever have need - she's too wise for that). Have the time of your life...savor the experiences that await you...

I will pray for you as I do always.

Much love,
Aunt Jan